#MadeInEurope - online action against arms sales to Saudi

Two people stand holding signs saying "Stop Arming Saudi"
Photo: Agir pour la Paix/Twitter

On Wednesday 25th March - the fifth anniversary of the beginning of the Saudi-led coalitions war in Yemen - people across Europe have used social media to protest against arms sales to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and other countries involved in the conflict. Since the beginning of the war, billions of euros worth of arms have been transported, and the coalition is using weapons made across Europe, including the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Belgium. The online action was organised by the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT), of which WRI and several of our affiliates are members.

For a summary of some of the companies profiting from the war, see this article in War Profiteers News: https://wri-irg.org/en/story/2020/who-arms-saudi-coalition




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