Global Peace March - JaiJagat March 2020

Marchers at JaiJagat2020
Marchers ready to move on near Sewagram Ashram in Wardha India

Subhash Chandra, a member of WRI's executive committee from Nepal travelled to India from 25th January to 1st February to participate in JaiJagat 2020 yatra- a year long foot march that began on 2nd October 2019 from Rajghat, India and will end on 2nd October 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland. Jai Jagat means 'victory to the world'.

The march is a wake-up call to respond to the deepening economic, social and environmental crises. The campaign is an urgent appeal for the people to transform and achieve one planet one people. Follow the link for more detail:  Here is a brief reflection on the first 100 days of marching, written by one of the march leaders:

The march and events held on the way have been deeply powerful experience for individuals- especially young people, institutions, communities and hopefully to the politics in India. As the march continues to other countries towards Geneva, the organisers hope it will continue to create waves of hope, strength and cooperation for a better world. 

Subhash participated in the march for two days in Wardha, India- the work/action place of Mahatma Gandhi and Binoba Bhave, attending international conferences on peace education, nonviolent economy and nonviolent governance. Visiting Gandhian centres around Wardha has been an inspiring and life giving experience for Subhash, who shared his experiences from Nepal towards Creating Cultures of Peace. Some of the marchers have shown interest in inviting Subhash to India for Creating Cultures of Peace workshops for youths.

The march route covers the following countries: Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy and Switzerland. You can find more information about the march route bellow or here

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