Chile: Soldier detained after refusing to follow orders during curfew in Santiago

David Veloso Codoceo, a Chilean soldier, 21, was detained and imprisoned on October 20th after refusing to follow a service order during the "state of emergency" in Santiago declared by the Chilean President Sebastian Piñera.
Belonging to the Amored Third Brigade in Antofagasta, Codoceo was summoned to move to Santiago, after a "state of emergency" was declared in the capital city. When he was about to embark, he dropped his rifle and declared that he wasn't going to follow the orders. His detention was ordered following the Military Justice Code.
After 21 days of detention the Supreme Court accepted the appeal presented by the soldier and his attorney, and was released. Nevertheless, the administrative process against him by the army continues.
Sources: CNN Chile, Army Soldier has been detained for 5 days for refusing to perform work during curfew, 25 October 2019; Bío Bío Chile Supreme Court orders release of Antofagasta soldier who refused to participate in the State of Exception, 10 November 2019; EMOL, Antofagasta objector soldier: "At first I had no idea what was happening outside" 20 November 20, 2019.
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