Action is starting here : 6th International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth, 23-29 November

The International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth starts this Saturday! For the sixth time, activists from across different countries will be organising events to raise awareness on how the military and military values are promoted to young people, and how we can challenge it.
In the Czech Republic, Nesehnuti organises screenings of the movie When the War Comes, looking at the situation in Slovakia. The screenings will follow discussions on the militarisation of youth in Slovakia and in Czech Republic. Look out for the hashtag #valkanenihra (war is not the game) to find more of the activities they are doing during the week. You can find the trailer of When the War Comes here. To find more informationa about the screenings see here:
Brno -
Jihlava -
In the UK, ForcesWatch is holding a live discussion, with Lowkey, who will be in conversation with Maya Evans and Joe Glenton. The event called Warrior Nation: Militarism, War and Resistance. Is happening on the 4th of December - find out more information here -
Also in the UK, the movie War School is touring. A screening will be held in Abergavenny Quakers in Wales on the 22nd of November. To see the full list of events click here: On their website, you can also find information on how to host screenings. See the trailer here:
In Finland AKL and Sadankomitea (Committee of 100) and Peace Education Institute have held a seminar called Rights of the child and militarism part of the week of action. AKL activists will also be leaflet sharing during the week outside the military recruitment centres during the week. Join them if you can!
In Germany,Connection e.V is holding a number of events for the week of action including talks and lectures. To find out more information, see their website and a booklet to give background for the events
In Italy, Movimento Nonviolento will hold at the national venue in Verona a workshop on the nonviolent commitment nowadays within the project Nonviolent European Resistance - nEUres (Europe for Citizens strand Remembrance) with activists from different European countries.
Not sure what to do? Get in touch with us and we can discuss action ideas with you, or put you in touch with others in your country who are already planning something. This list will be updating during the
Contact us at with your actions and events, or with any questions you have.
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook, as well as and for any further updates.
Remember to use the #weekofaction2019 #ourfuture #youthagainstwar
Stay up to date with our international antimilitarist activism.
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