The inaugural Howard Clark Memorial Lecture: A Divided Britain - What can we learn from the Nordics?

Howard Clark in Venezuela
Howard Clark in Venezuela

Our friend Howard Clark was Chair of War Resisters' International when he died in 2013. Leeds Beckett University are hosting the first "Howard Clark Memorial Lecture on Nonviolence", which will be presented by George Lakey, an activist, writer, and friend of Howard's. He will speak on the subject "A divided Britain: what can we learn from the Nordics?"

When 6th October 2017, 17:30

Where The Rose Bowl Lecture Theatre A (RB241), Leeds Beckett University, Portland Cresent, Leeds, LS1 3HB, United Kingdom

Get free tickets here.


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Submitted by Peter Jones (not verified) on Fri, 29 Sep 2017 - 05:41


Can't get to Yorkshire from Tasmania but happy that the lecture is on my birthday and being given by George Lakey, another old activist friend from my past.

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