EBCO: The Greek Government should fulfil its promises concerning conscientious objectors' human rights
European Bureau of Conscientious Objection held its spring General Assembly last week at the Peace House in Brussels. The meeting was attended by WRI and COs and activists from Belgium, Catalonia, Germany, Greece, France, Italy, Turkey, and the UK. The EBCO Board repeated its call to the Greek Government to keep its promises to address shortcomings in its legislation and procedures regarding conscientious objection to military service.
In November 2016, an EBCO delegation, headed by Vice-President Sam Biesemans, met the Deputy Minister of Defence,Mr.Dimitrios Vitsas in Athens. As reported by EBCO delegation, the Deputy Minister recognised the existing problems and expressed the intention to present to the parliament a draft law specifically on conscientious objection. In its press release, EBCO Board stated that they will “carefully monitor the process”. They are also offering their assistance to the Greek authorities in bringing their conscientious objection provisions into line with European and international human rights standards.
Read the EBCO statement here: http://www.ebco-beoc.org/node/421
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