A call to action: 4th International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth

Members of AKL take action outside an army recruitment centre
Members of AKL take action outside an army recruitment centre

This November, activists from all around the world are taking action against the militarisation of young people in their countries, cities and towns.

Join us in this week with your own nonviolent actions, and be part of this global movement resisting the recruitment of young people's minds and bodies into violence. 

The International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth is a concerted effort of antimilitarist actions across the world to raise awareness of the many ways in which violence is promoted to young people, and to give voice to alternatives. The week is coordinated by War Resisters' International.

In previous years, many activists from all around the world participated in the week with their autonomous actions and events. We saw direct actions, talks, workshops, vigils and social media campaigns held by counter-recruitment activists, conscientious objectors, peace educators, and others whose common motivation was to resist promotion of violence and war to youth. The events from last year, which you can see here, followed the week of action held in 2015 and 2014 (link is external), and a day of action held in 2013.

For more information, see the antimili-youth.net website: https://antimili-youth.net/articles/2017/09/call-action-4th-international-week-action-against-militarisation-youth-november-20

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