Welcome to Taya, new intern at WRI!


A street action bringing the reality of the occupied Palestinian territories to the centre of Tel Aviv. Showing the way Palestinians are handcuffed without being told why, or when they will be released.)

A street action bringing the reality of the occupied Palestinian territories to the centre of Tel Aviv. Showing the way Palestinians are handcuffed without being told why, or when they will be released.)

We're really happy to welcome Taya to work in the WRI office for three months. Taya says: 'Hi, I'm Taya Govreen-Segal. I am a 20 year old activist and conscientious objector from Israel. I just finished my alternative service as a video journalist in Israel Social TV, a non profit independent media organisation promoting social change and human rights, and am currently interning with WRI in London. I'll be working mainly on the Right to Refuse to Kill programme, and hopefully getting to learn from different London activist groups.'


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