ENAAT Meeting June 2013


Every year, the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT) meets to discuss the latest developments in the arms trade and military industries. The 2013 annual meeting will take place in Zurich, Switzerland, from the 14th - 16th of June.

The annual meetings are also a great place to swap ideas about strategies and campaigns to confront war profiteers. Arms export policy still remains primarily an issue of national regulations, but the military industry works internationally. The ENAAT meeting is an excellent occasion to forge plans regarding how to collaborate across national borders.

ENAAT involves groups and individuals from all over Europe who see arms trade as a threat to peace, security and development. You can find more information about ENAAT here: http://www.enaat.org

The event will start with a public debate on Friday evening and continue on Saturday with workshops on the Arms Trade Treaty and the "Cyberwar" hype. On both Saturday and Sunday, various organisations will report on industrial developments, as well as on the campaigns against arms trade, in their countries.

More details about the programme, practicalities and registration can be found here: http://www.gsoa.ch/english/enaat-annual-meeting-2013/


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