Countering the Militarisation of Youth is War Resisters' International's answer to changes in military recruitment - the slow end of conscription. With these changes, the armed forces are increasingly competing on the job market, which - admittedly - is getting worse by the day in most countries, but nevertheless the recruitment of sufficient numbers of new soldiers is posing a challenge in most countries in Europe and North America (and beyond).
But Countering the Militarisation of Youth is not just about recruitment or counter-recruitment. It goes much further. We will be looking at processes of militarisation on all levels of society, as militarisation is necessary not only to create a social climate favourable to recruitment, but also to justify the normalisation of war.
Our international study conference on Countering the Militarisation of Youth, which takes place from 8-10 June 2012 in Darmstadt, will be a great opportunity to analyse militarisation, and to exchange our experiences in countering the militarisation of youth. There are still free places - so register NOW!
Andreas Speck
Stay up to date with our international antimilitarist activism.
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