

Dear readers of CO-Update.

The last two weeks have been extremely busy in the WRI office. The hunger strike of imprisoned pacifist blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad in Egypt (see article in this issue of CO-Update) demanded a lot of attention from the office, and we have been busy communicating with his supporters in Egypt, but also raising awareness internationally and mobilising support. While this has brought some results, we are still extremely worried about Maikel Nabil Sanad's life, and therefore ask you to support him.

But while we are dealing with one emergency, the situation in other countries continues to evolve - for the better or worse. There were other emergencies to deal with (irregular recruitment in Colombia yet again), and the usual stuff. All of this goes to show how important networks such as War Resisters' International are when it comes to support for conscientious objectors.

To continue to do this work War Resisters' International depends on your donations. We therefore kindly ask you to donate to WRI online at wri-irg.org/en/donate-en.htm.

Andreas Speck

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