Upcoming events 23 April 2010: Book Launch: Women and Conscientious Objection
Housmans Bookshop, 7pm
On 23 April, War Resisters' International will launch its new publication "Women and Conscientious Objection" at Housmans Bookshop in London. The editors and some of the contributors will be present.
According to Cynthia Cockburn, "this anthology is much, much more than a mere round-up of experience of women in the movement for men’s conscientious objection to obligatory military service. It is more, even, than an account of women’s struggle against their own conscription. For what we see here is women, at different moments, in one country after another, creating for themselves the concept, analysis and practice of a distinctive feminist antimilitarism."
For more information on the event contact the WRI office at: info@wri-irg.org
Click here for a map of the venue.
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