Dear readers of CO-Update.
This issue of CO-Update comes slightly late. This is mostly due to the work on our new book "Women Conscientious Objectors - An Anthology" (see below), which went to press yesterday, and which we will launch on 23 April 2010 with an event at Housmans Bookshop (see below). That's the good news, I guess.
This issue of CO Update includes mainly news from Europe - and again Turkey, a country which is of major concern to War Resisters' International for its treatment of conscientious objectors. The persecution of conscientious objectors in the country continues, following the judgement in the case of Osman Murat Ülke in 2006, and so it is still necessary to provide support, and to put pressure on the Turkish government.
To continue to do this work War Resisters' International depends on your donations. We therefore kindly ask you to donate to WRI online at wri-irg.org/en/donate-en.htm.
Andreas Speck
Stay up to date with our international antimilitarist activism.
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