Upcoming events: 14 of February, Launch of Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns// 9 of March Court trial for Swedish disarmament activists// 1- 5 April No to War - No to NATO


14th of February launch of WRI's latest publication 'Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns'

War Resisters’ International launch its ‘Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns’ – an invaluable resource for campaigners and activists. A range of guest speakers will be discussing nonviolent strategies and campaign tactics.

Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns

Social change doesn't just happen. It's the result of the work of committed people striving for a world of justice and peace. This work gestates in groups or cells of activists, in discussions, in training sessions, in reflecting on previous experiences, in planning, in experimenting and in learning from others. Preparing ourselves for our work for social justice is key to its success.

It includes sections on:

- developing strategic nonviolent campaigns
- preparing for effective nonviolent actions (complete with checklist)
- exercises for working in nonviolence (including group dynamics and gender issues)
- stories and strategies both showing the use of nonviolent organising tools in specific settings and describing global campaigns.

For ordering copies of Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns, please contact the WRI office at info@wri-irg.org.

9th of March Court Trial for Swedish Disarmament Activists

The trials for Martin Smedjeback and Anna Andersson will be on the 9th of March, Ofog (http://ofog.org) will be organising a series of activities to support these two activist who carried the disarmament action in Sweden reported in the last WPN.

1-5 April 2009: No to war - No to NATO

NATO will meet on 3 and 4 April 2009 for it's 60th anniversary summit in Strasbourg, France, and Baden Baden, Germany. Groups from all over Europe are preparing protest actions from 1-5 April 2009, which will include:

* Protest camps from 1-5 April 2009
* Days of action on 1-2 April 2009
* A counter-conference on 3 and 5 April 2009
* Activities in Baden Baden on 3 April 2009
* Mass blockades of the NATO summit in Strasbourg on 4 April 2009
* An international demonstration in Strasbourg on 4 April 2009.

War Resisters' International is part of the International Coordination Committee preparing for these activities. An international call No to war - No to NATO was launched on 5 October 2008. More information will soon be available on the WRI website at http://wri-irg.org/node/6104.

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