

Dear readers of co-update.

A few days ago, when we received the news from Greece about the attempt to kill our friends from the Greek Association of Conscientious Objectors, we were all shocked. We are glad that by sheer luck nobody got hurt, in spite of the intent of the attacker to kill. It is not really important if the Greek COs were the target, or any of the other groups using the building. It is important to realise that fascism is on the rise in huge parts of the world, and that we need to increase our nonviolent struggle against fascism, militarism and violence. Conscientious objection to military service alone is not sufficient.
Unfortunately, this issue of co-update is full of bad news. The news that reached us from Eritrea, about four teenagers being shot while attempting to flee the country and its enforced military slaverly, is equally sad and shocking. But even more shocking is that Switzerland, where a court decided in December 2005 that Eritrean draft evaders and deserters should be granted asylum, now wants to exclude draft evaders and deserters from asylum, becauce now more refugees from Eritrea seek protection.

War Resisters' International continues to work with Eritrean exile groups on the right to conscientious objection, and the right to asylum for Eritrean conscientious objectors. However, to continue to do this work War Resisters' International depends on your donations. We therefore ask you to donate to WRI online now at wri-irg.org/en/donate-en.htm.

Andreas Speck

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