Upcoming events: 1 December: Prisoners for Peace Day


Prisoners for Peace Day 2008 is an opportunity to support all those who are imprisoned for their conscientious objection to military service or nonviolent resistance to militarism and war.

1 December 1956, was the first time WRI 'celebrated' Prisoners for Peace Day. This was done by publishing a Prisoners for Peace Honour Roll and calling on all members of WRI sections to send postcards and letters to the prisoners.

We ask you to:

  • On 1 December, put aside at least one hour and write at least four cards to prisoners;
  • Get your peace group or class or meeting place to organise a card-writing session;
  • Set up a stall in your town centre, perform a bit of street theatre, or do whatever else it takes to attract attention and interest.

More information and the annual Prisoners for Peace Honour Roll will be available on the WRI website.

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