New resources


New resources

Bank Secrets - new web-page

New website with resources on banks and their bad policies. You can find out what your bank is doing. It also comes with good ideas for campaigning.

Bite the Bullet updated web-page

The US network against war profiteering has updated their website, with many good resources on war profiteers in the US.

Good conduct? Ten years of the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports

Report by Saferworld

This report takes stock of the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports ten years since it was adopted, and assesses the impact of the EU's international transfer control regime.

Outsourcing Intelligence in Iraq: A CorpWatch Report on L-3/Titan

When U.S. troops or embassy officials want to investigate Iraqis - such as interrogating prisoners, the principal intermediary is a Manhattan based-company named L-3. The company has just lost its biggest contract for failing to recruit qualified translators, and is also being investigated for human rights abuses.

You can download to full report at:

SIPRI Yearbook 2008: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security

The 2008 report shows global military spending has increased by nearly 50 percent over the last decade, with the United States accounting for half the total rise. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute says governments spent more than $1.3 trillion on arms and other military costs last year. US spending also accounted for nearly half, at almost $550 billion

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