Upcoming events: 6th November 2007 -- International Day of Actions against Investments in Producers of Uranium Weapons // 1 December-- Prisoners for Peace Day: Focus on Turkey // 22/03/08 -- NATO Game Over // Resist Military Globalisation!


6th November 2007 -- International Day of Actions against Investments in Producers of Uranium Weapons

For further details: ria.verjauw[at]telenet.be

1 December-- Prisoners for Peace Day: Focus on Turkey

Prisoners for Peace Day 2007 will focus on the situation of conscientious objectors and antimilitarists in Turkey. In preparation for Prisoners for Peace Day, War Resisters' International published the list of all known declared Turkish conscientious objectors, with their declaration, if it was available.

More information will also be available on the WRI website.

22/03/08 -- NATO Game Over:

Resist Military Globalisation!

Five years after the Iraq war started: an international action weekend at NATO's headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

Followed by the seminar organised by Bombspotting and War Resisters' International "Military globalisation and nonviolent resistance in Europe".

Interested? contact: international[at]bombspotting.be



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