

Our apologies for the lateness of this issue of co-update, which should have been with you almost three weeks ago. This was due to a combination of other commitments, holidays, and sick leave of the staffperson responsible for the production of co-update. We therefore decided to make this issue a double issue, so the next co-update will only come out in early April.
However, there is lots to report, and there will be even more to report in April. This issue of co-update highlights the decision of the UN Human Rights Committee on the right to conscientious objection. This landmark decision will be used by CO movements all over the world to promote their right to refuse military service.
However, we are only too aware that a legal victory does not necessarily turn into political change, and the case of Turkey shows that a lot more of hard work and pressure is required, even after a landmark legal victory.
War Resisters' International will continue to support CO groups and activists all over the world in their struggle, and we ask you for your support to WRI. Thank you.

Andreas Speck


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