Operation Refuse War in New York and Washington
From 11-16 May, Operation Refuse War too place in New York City and Washington DC - marking International Conscientious Objectors' Day 2006 with a focus on the situation of and support to US war resisters: GIs applying for conscientious objector status, going AWOL, or finding other ways to get discharged from the military. War Resisters' International joined with many US peace organisations to organise International Conscientious Objectors' Day in the USA - a series of international events under the title Operation Refuse War, culminating in an International Conference of Resisters to Global War in Washington DC from 13th-14th May 2006.
Participants came from Bosnia-Hercegovina, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Israel, Macedonia, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Turkey, and of course from the United States, to discuss the situation regarding conscientious objection and military service in their countries, and to develop joint strategies. The events were followed by a Lobby Day on Capitol Hill, organised by the Center on Conscience and War.
The activities ended on 16 May with a demonstration in front of the recruitment station in Washington DC, organised by local peace activists and Codepink.
A more detailed report will be made available on operationrefusewar.org.
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