

This is the first issue of WRI's new CO UPDATE email newsletter. The newsletter is produced by WRI's The Right to Refuse to Kill programme, in cooperation with the Myrtle Solomon Memorial Trust.

This new email newsletter will provide information on new developments regarding conscription, military service, and conscientious objection. In this way it complements and updates WRI's report Refusing to bear arms, published in 1998. In addition, we will also report on the activities of CO movements and groups - especially activities related to the right to conscientious objection.

As regular columns, we will give a summary of recent co-alerts, and a listing of upcoming CO related events -  either organised by WRI or its affiliates, or by other organisations.

We think that this newsletter will fill a gap, and will help CO groups and supporters to keep up-to-date with developments all over the world. To be able to do so, we will also need your support - we need your information on CO and related issues. Send you information by email to co-update-editor@wri-irg.org.


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