Prisoners for Peace Honour Roll 1997
There are religious COs currently imprisoned in southern Cyprus, but they do not wish to have their names published. They face up to 26 months in prison.
Jukka Lassila
Uudenmaan Laaninvankila
PL 20
05401 Jokela
(in 2/6/97 -- out 18/12/97)
Total objector
Timo Saarelma
Same address as above
(in 03/11/97 -- out 20/05/98)
Total objector
Markus Drake
Helsingin Tyosiirtola
PL 36
01531 Vantaa
(in 25/9/97 -- out 12/4/98)
Total objector
Janne Ruotsalainen
Naarajarven Varavankila
PL 1
(in 23/10/97 -- out 25/4/98)
Total objector
Over the past few months, five total resisters have been sentenced to between 6 and 16 months jail. They are all awaiting the results of their appeal and could be imprisonned in the next few weeks.
Martin Gyampoh
Hooge Sand 32
D - 26 723 Emden
Jailed from 03/09 till 29/10. Facing another arrest in November for at least 21days.
Caspar Bothmer
(6 months)
Lennert Niemeyer
Behninger Str. 14
D-29 643 Neuenkirchen
(6 months)
Timo Pasche (6 months)
Matthias Seebode (16 months)
No addresses
On 5 June 1997 the Greek Parliament adopted a new military law, which recognises the right to CO for the first time. The law will come into force in January 1998. All COs currently imprisonned -- around 250 -- are Jehovah Witnesses. Their names are not available, but letters of support can be sent to their lawyer.
Thanasis Reppas (Lawyer)
27 A Paraschou Street
GR-11473 Athens
Mordechai Vanunu
Ashkelon Prison
PO Box 17
Kidnapped in Italy in 1986, sentenced in 1988 to 18 years for exposing Israel's nuclear programme. Still in solitary confinement.
All male citizens and permanent residents are required to do 2 years' full military service, followed by reserve duty periods of up to 40 days annually until they are 40 years old. Singapore does not recognise the right to CO. Objectors are court-martialled and sentenced to 12 months in military detention. They are then called up again and non-compliance results in further 24-month sentences. The following COs are all Jehovah's Witnesses. Those with stars by their name are serving their second sentence.
Ngai Siew Chyit (Norman)*
Suthintheran Nair*
Foo Song Whai (Jason)*
Tai Kai Meng (Kenneth)*
Tan Lee Keat (Michael)*
Kok Kok Chuan*
Smith Marcus Dominic*
Tsay Chong (Martin)*
Kang Ching Siong (Jonathan)*
Chok Robert*
Hou Sing (Samuel)*
Tan Wai Cheng*
Yeo Kim Huei (Henry)*
Lee Kok Ling (Brendon)*
Chua Sin Li (Adrian)*
Sim Wee Siong (Gabriel)*
Leong Yew Kum (Donald)*
Wan Vhong Yee (Gerald)*
NG Chee Keong (David)*
Lim Boon Hwee*
Say Poh Heng*
Chua Tong Jin (Edgar)
Cheong Beng Huat
Tan Tien Lye
Chai Tsun Chieh
Ng Chun Siang (Wilson)
Aw Jee Siang
Lee Han Liang (Jason)
Chong Kim Heng
Chew Chi Kong (Adrian)
Lee Yuen Hsien (Jeremy)
SAF Detention Barracks
AFPN 1325
Mindef General Comcen
Martin Bednar
05401 Levoca
Slovak Republic
(in 24/02/97 -- out 02/98)
Miroslav Albert
97528 Banska Bystricu
Slovak Republic
(in 11/04/97 -- out 04/98)
Jehovah's Witnesses imprisoned for their conscientious objection.
Total resisters currently fall under two different laws. Most of those judged under the previous law are held in open regime, while a few (marked with a *) remain in jail day and night. Since the application of the new Penal Code in May, total resisters are not imprisoned any more, but sentenced to between 8 to 14 years of "disqualification" from working in the public sector or receiving any public funds. Total resisters taking part in the "Insumision in the barracks" campaign and declaring their objection after starting their military service, are judged by a military court and held in a military prison. The names of the total resisters imprisoned in Navarra were not available at the time this list was compiled.
Placido Ferrandiz Albert*
Elias Rozas Alvarez*
Ramiro Paz Correa*
Prisión Militar de Alcala
Carretera de Meco Km 5
28805 Alcala de Henares
State of Spain.
Gorka Martinez
Iñigo Mendibil Arando
Centro Penitencario de Basauri
C/ Lehendakari Aguirre 92
Basauri, Bizkaia
State of Spain
Pedro Camacho Rios
Centro Penitenciario
Carretera de Ayora Km 72.
02071 Albacete
State of Spain
Lluis Miguel Orviz Menendez
Centro Penitenciario de Villabona
Finca Tabladiello
Modulo CIS
Villabona, Asturies
State of Spain
Roberto Diez Pereda "Paridas"
Arturo Escobar
Jon Montegi Agirrezabala
Gorka Fernandez Urien
Aitor Bitorika
Iñaki Basterra
Roberto Mendibil
Jorge Laiseka Santos
José Antonio Santamaria Ortiz
Aritz Tudela Belasko
Unai Bilbao Solaetxe
Mikel Garcia Gonzalez
Alonso Egia Hernandez
Roberto Barrueta Alonso
Ander Agia Cruz
Eneko Arandia Mendizabal
Benjamin Barandalla
José Luis Minquez Arellano
Haritz Olabarri Pujana
Joseba Rodriguez Arza
José Alonso Seco
Joseba Sanz
David Merino
Txabi Delkorte Elduayen
Garikoitz Correa Juez
Gabriel Ibarra Oier
Madariaga Mugarza
Fermin Ayo Cuesta
Aitor Larrea Principe
Joakib Gonzalez Garcia
Daniel Yaniz Aramendia
Alberto Rafael Fernandez Urizar
Aitzol Euba
Unai Resanez Torron
Unai Murillo Alija
Atxio Burgoa Gumuzio
Raul Santelicos Gonzalez
Centro Penitenciario de Bausauri
c/ Lehendakari Aguirre 92
Basauri, Bizkaia
State of Spain
Iñigo del Hoyo Onandia
Andres Gutierrez Movillo
Centro Penitenciario Caceres I.
Apdo 190
State of Spain
Zigor Diez Gamboa
José Luis de la Mata
José Maria Perez Moral
Prisión Provincial de Santander
C/Alta 95
39008 Santander
State of Spain
Asia Rodriguez
Centro Penitenciario
Apdo 394
15002 A Coruna
State of Spain
Yosu Lombide
Jesus Artola
Antonio Garcia
Prisión Provincial de Martutene
Donostia, Gipuzkoa
State of Spain
Juan Manuel Bello Losada
Centro Penitenciario de Vigo
Avenida de Madrid 106
Vigo, Pontevedra
State of Spain
Antonio Moreno
Centro Penitenciario Sevilla II
Carretera Mairena
Alcor Km 3
State of Spain
Mikel Hernansanz
Centro Penitenciario
47080 Villanubla
State of Spain
Fernando Gimeno Ruiz
Guillermo Ladrero Canales
Javier Plaza Deistegui
Centro Penitenciario de Zaragoza
Avenida de America 80
50007 Zaragoza
State of Spain
Rafael Ruiz Travieso
Centro Penitenciario Puerto II
Apdo 600
11500 Puerto de Santa Maria
State of Spain
Osman Murat Ülke
1. Taktik Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanligi
Askeri Cezaevi
(in 23/10/97 -)
Total resister sentenced to 10 months and a fine on 23/10/97 on charges of "desertion" and "continued disobedience". Although he already completed his sentence while awaiting trial, he remains in a military prison and expects to face trial again for having refused to present himself to a military unit after a first release from jail last May.
Carl Kabat
OMI #03230-045 Teller Unit
PO Box 5000
Florence, CO 81226-5000
(in 01/04/94 -- out 08/98)
Served a prison term for the 1994 disarmament action at a Minuteman III missile silo in North Dakota. Sentenced to an additional 18 months after the court determined that the North Dakota action constituted a violation of his parole conditions for a previous action in 1984.
Philip Berrigan (24 months)
Mark Colville (13 months)
Steve Baggarly (13 months)
Susan Crane (27 months)
Steve Kelly, S.J. (21 months)
Tom Lewis-Borbely (8 months)
c/o Jonah House
1301 Moreland Ave.
Baltimore MD 21216
All 6 prisoners are members of the Prince of Peace Plowshares, convicted of conspiracy and $28,000 alledged damage to government property after they hammered and poured blood on the tomahawk cruise launching system installed on the USS The Sullivans in Maine. All also sentenced to 2 years supervised release/probation, and a $4,000 restitution fine.
Donna Howard-Hastings
Tom Howard-Hastings
12833 E St., H. 13,
Maple, WI 54854
(sentenced to 3 years)
Cut down three transmission line poles at US Navy's transmitter antenna for nuclear submarines. Spent 11 and 7 months in prison, respectively, and now serving the rest of their time under electronically-monitored house arrest.
We have had a kind offer from an individual donor, who will match up to £5,000 of donations from others - so by supporting War Resisters' International today your donation is worth double!
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