Resources Against Violence Against Women


Freedom from Violence, edited by Margaret Schuler (354 pages, 1992), is a collection of 14 essays on violence against women (including an article by a WRI Women’s Conference speaker, Siriporn Skrobanek). Voices from Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and the United States share their sources of Inspiration and common threads of agreement about what needs to be done to confront the violence In women’s lives in all its aspects: physical, social, economic, cultural and legal. Published by the United Nations Development Fund for Women, PO Box 20109, Dag .Hammarskjold Convenience Center, New York, NY 10017, USA.

Gender Violence: A Development and Human Rights Issue by Charlotte Bunch and Roxanna Carrillo (42 pages, 1991)is an insightful look at the massive violence women face around the world and at how to put this on the human rights agenda. “Crimes such as these against any group other than women,” the booklet begins, “would be recognized as a civil and political emergency as well as a gross violation of the victim’s humanity.” From the Center for Women’s Global Leadership, 27 Clifton Ave., Douglass College, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903, USA. FAX +1 908 932 1180. US $5.

Gender Bias: Roadblock to Sustainable Development by Jodi L. Jacobson (64 pages, 1992) looks at the traditional roles of women as farmers and foresters and at how development programs ignore these roles. Such policies increase women’s poverty and the poverty of their families. Well-researched and argued, this Worldwatch Paper (no.10) presents a new framework for development which places women where they belong—at the center. World watch Institute, 1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA. $5.

Ending Violence Against Women is a resource guide which includes an international list of organizations working to end violence against women and a bibliography. The guide is the result of a two-week consultation by 46 activists from around the world, designed to develop and disseminate strategies aimed specifically at confronting conditions that foster violence against women. The guide looks at ways different segments of society, from the media to religious leaders, can stop the violence, and at getting violence against women on the human rights agenda. The Global Fund for Women, 2480 Sand Hill Road, Suite 100, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. Tel. +1 415 854 0420.

Living Reconciliation, Making Peace: Women’s Strategies Against Oppression, War and Armament (216 pages, 1992) are the proceedings of an International Women’s Congress held March 1991. Ninety women from 32 countries met to exchanges experiences of their work for peace and Justice. From Peru, Germany, South Africa, Northern Ireland, Tunisia and elsewhere, women speak from the heart about working for peace. WRI women Alicia Calderón and Elisabeth Benzing helped to organize this gathering. Frauen in der Einen Welt (Women of One World), Postfach 210421, 8500 Nürnberg 21, Germany. Fax 911 595277.

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