A.J. Muste Memorial Institute - International Nonviolence Training Fund
This fund gives grants of up to $3,000 for trainings that help people learn how to collectively use the theory and practice of nonviolent action to effectively carry out struggles for social justice. Projects must be located outside the United States or within Native nations in the United States.
Projects eligible for support include:
- those which build capacity and leadership among people engaged in nonviolent struggles;
- those which prepare participants for specific nonviolent actions or campaigns;
- those geared to 'training the trainers', in order to expand and multiply nonviolence training throughout a targeted community.
For grant guidelines and more information, see the Website http://www.ajmuste.org or contact the A. J. Muste Institute at 339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012 or info@ajmuste.org.
'There is no way to peace—peace is the way'.
This was A. J. Muste’s simple statement of his convictions.
A. J. Muste was a pacifist, anti-war activist and a leader of the labour and civil rights movements in the United States whose personal integrity won him a rare universal respect. The A. J. Muste Memorial Institute was organised in 1974 to keep A. J.’s legacy alive through ongoing support of the nonviolent movement for social change.
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