War Resisters' Stories: June

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Issue number

Thank you! We made it to our crowdfunding target, raising £2045 towards our campaign to make resistance to the DSEI London arms fair international.

War Stops Here

WRI activists resisting the ADEX arms fair in Seoul in 2015

In September 2017, activists from across the world will gather in London to resist the DSEI arms fair, and for WRI's annual Council meeting.

Militarisation in Eritrea is extreme, with indefinite conscription in often unbearable conditions. Conscientious objectors are imprisoned. Many people flee the country if they can, but if they arrive in Europe, they are not always given protection, and this month the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the Swiss government is not in breach of the European Convention by expelling an Eritrean asylum seeker.

On 25th May, War Resisters' International organised a webinar on conscientious objection, peace education and countering youth militarisation in South Kore

As the ISDEF (International Defense & HLS) arms fair got under way in Tel Aviv earlier this month, a shadow conference – INsecurity: 50 years of Exporting Occupation – was also taking place cha

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