War Resisters' Stories

Issue number

On December 1st, Prisoners for Peace Day, we stand in solidarity with conscientious objectors and activists imprisoned for their work against war and its preparations. On this day, we share the stories and names of those detained for their work for peace, human rights, and commitment to nonviolence, and invite you to show solidarity by sending letters to them.

When the US military detonated the most powerful bomb they had ever tested over Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands - a hydrogen bomb code-named "Castle Bravo", with 1000 times the explosive power of the Hiroshima bomb - Lijon Eknilang and the inhabitants of Rongelap Atoll and neighbouring atolls could not have known the impact it would have.

Palestinians have been able to steadfastly face Israeli attempts at obliterating the knowledge and skills that Palestinians draw on to maintain a sustainable attachment to the land. I call this the act of eco-sumud, meaning eco-steadfastness.

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