War Profiteers News

Activists lie on the floor holding banners about climate change and militarism
Issue number
XR Peace blockades BAE Systems offices in London

A new report published by one of WRI's affiliates in Belgium – Vredesactie – expolores the full extent of European arms exports to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.

CBC Global Ammunition is a holding company which owns a number of subsidaries around the world, specialising in ammunition for portable weapons. The subsidiaries included: Companhia Brasileira de Cartuchos (CBC), Brazil; Czech company Sellier & Bellot; MEN in Germany; and Magtech, based in Minnesota in the USA.

On Monday 8th October, the trial started of six men in France on charges of corruption, fraud or complicity to fraud linked to the so-called “Karachi Affair”. The focus of the trial is on kick-backs allegedly paid as part of two French arms deals in the 1990s: for frigates to Saudi Arabia and submarines to Pakistan.

As Turkey begins its military attack on Kurdish regions in northern Syria, leaving dozens killed and tens of thousands fleeing their homes, activists are taking action against arms shipments to the Turkish military, and some states are responding by suspending arms shipments.

A Twitter user has allegedly identified a "less lethal" weapon used against protesters in Iraq as being made by US company AmTec Less Lethals Systems, or ALS.

Six members of the XR Peace affinity group - part of the Extinction Rebellion protest - were arrested on Monday 14th October after blockading the entrance to BAE Systems central London offices.

A Serbian man has been arrested and placed under house arrest after releasing documents related to an arms transfer that ended up in the hands of the Islamic State, and implicated the father of Serbia’s interior minister in corrupt arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

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