Israel: Conscientious objectors Mattan Helman and Ayelet Brachfeld re-imprisoned

Mattan Helman and Ayelet Brachfeld. Photo: Mesarvot

In Israel, conscientious objectors Ayelet Brachfeld and Mattan Helman have been imprisoned once again for their refusal to be conscripted.

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Mattan has already served 90 days in military prison and faces another 20-day prison term. Brachfeld, who has already served 40 days in military prison, was sentenced to a further 40 days.

In her declaration before her first imprisonment back in February, Ayelet said: 'I cannot serve a system when I completely oppose its’ actions, and that if I want to make a change it needs to start with my actions...I’m tired of hearing kids my age say we “don’t have a choice”. I’m tired of people thinking nothing is going to change, that this is bigger than us. The way I see it, there is an extreme injustice here, and the first thing you can do is refuse to take part in it.' Read the full declaration here.

An article by Mattan recently appeared in +972 magazine: My great-grandfather saved Jews during the Holocaust. Now I'm in jail for refusing to enlist in the IDF.

War Resisters' International demands the release of all conscientious objectors. Refusing to kill is not a crime.

Hannah Brock

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