Prisoners for Peace/CO Database
War Resisters' International's database of prisoners for peace and conscientious objectors is part of the Right to Refuse to Kill programme. It keeps track of known prisoners for peace and conscientious objectors, and allows supporters to access information on conscientious objectors. It is also linked to War Resisters' International's co-alert system.
Below is a list of activists currently in prison, followed by the latest additions to the database. Alternatively, you can search the activist database or the detention database.
[view] [name]codb_people_in_prison_embed[/name] [title]Nonviolent activists and conscientious objectors currently in prison[/title] [language]en[/language] [/view] [view] [name]codb_latest_additions[/name] [title]Latest additions to Prisoners for Peace/CO database[/title] [language]en[/language] [/view]
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