Recent CO Action alerts


The CO-Alert email list is specifically for alerts in cases of conscientious objection or antimilitarist action. CO-Alerts are sent out by email as soon as the WRI office receives information on the imprisonment or trial of a conscientious objector, are a powerful tool to mobilise support and protest. We provide an email contact form, so you can quickly and simply contact the authorities, in support of a nonviolent activist who is facing repression.

In many countries, prison is still the fate of conscientious objectors (COs). Thousands of COs are still in prison -- in South Korea, Israel, Finland, Colombia, and many other countries. Despite many countries having introduced laws on conscientious objection, many COs still face imprisonment, because they either don't fit into the authorities' criteria, or they refuse to perform any substitute service. War Resisters' International supports conscientious objectors who are imprisoned because of their conscientious objection, or face repression by the state or state-like entities.

If you have information about a CO who is facing persecution, a CO-Alert may be a good tool for you to use in their support. Read our 'Guidelines for making use of WRI's email alert system for conscientious objectors', and get in touch with us.

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Dear Friends,

CO Rotem Mor has been transferred to Military Prison No. 6 in Athlit. His new address in prison is:

Rotem Dan Mor, Military ID Number 7046397, Military Prison 6, Military Postal Code 03734, IDF, Israel

Please write your letters of support for Rotem (preferably on postcards) to this address. Also, please send copies of your letters of protest on Rotem's behalf to the prison commander (preferably by fax):

Commander of Military Prison No. 6, Military Prison No. 6, Military postal number 03734, IDF Israel. FAX: +972-4-869-28-84

War Resisters' International learned today that the Israeli conscientious objector Ariel Levin was released from Military Prison No 6 yesterday, after serving a 28 day sentence, but ordered to report at the induction base on the same day, where he was sentenced to further 28 days of imprisonment following his refusal to being recruited.

Ariel Levin was first imprisoned on 12 August 2001, when he reported at the induction base. He was sentenced to 28 days imprisonment, and was imprisoned in Military Prison No 4.

In Israel, two conscientious objectors were imprisoned today. CO Rotem Dan Mor (ISR11391), who served in the army since 15 February 2000 as part of his mandatory three year service, declared himself a conscentious objector a while ago and was sentenced today for 28 days imprisonment for disobeying orders (he refused to wear a uniform when ordered to do so) and an additional 28 days suspended sentence for absence without leave, although he in fact was given leave by his commander. In a statement Rotem Dan Mor writes: "I have long questioned the sincerety of my army service.

Today War Resisters' International learned from the Israeli organisation Yesh Gvul that Capt. (res.) Yosef ("Sefi") Sendik has been sentenced to 28 days imprisonment (14 suspended) for his refusal to participate in an army of occupation. Sendik, a marketing expert from Tel Aviv, is to serve his sentence in Military Prison No. 6 (Athlit), along with Capt. (res.) Dan Tamir (ISR11385-210801), already imprisoned for refusal to take part in the current campaign of repression, and CO's Frst. Serg. (res.) Jonathan Moss (ISR11306-100801) and conscript Ariel Levin (ISR11307-210801/140801/100801).

War Resisters' International was informed by the Israeli organisation New Profile that conscientious objector Ariel Levin was transferred to Military Prison No. 6 in Atlit. Below is his new address in prison and the address of the prison commander. War Resisters' International asks peace and human rights activists to send letters of support to Ariel Levin. It is even more important to let the commander of the new prison know that Ariel Levin's case is being watched closely all over the world (sending a Fax message would be preferable).

Today, War Resisters' International learned from the Israeli organisation Yesh Gvul, that IDF Capt. (res.) Dan Tamir has been jailed for 28 days, for refusal to take part in the Israeli campaign of repression in the occupied territories.

22 years old total objector Antti Rautiainen (from Helsinki, Finland) started to serve his 59-days sentence at prison of Katajanokka, Helsinki on the 17th of July 2001. Imprisonment was the result of fines, which Rautiainen got because he refused to go to enrolment for military service and because he joined in five different demonstrations and civil disobedience-happenings during 1997-1999.

Today War Resisters' International was informed by Non Serviam!, the Germany based support group for total objector Kai Steyer, that Steyer again was arrested and a fourth disciplinary arrest of 21 days was approved by the Military Disciplinary Court. Since 2 July Steyer already spent 42 days in military arrest. It is normal practice of the German military to impose a total of 63 days of military arrest on total objectors, although legally this is not allowed as a punishment, but only to achieve disciplinary goals.

War Resisters' International learned today that Israeli conscientious objector Ariel Levin was sentenced to 28 days of imprisonment on Sunday, following his refusal to perform military service. He is presently held in Military Prison No. 4.As this is Levin's first term of imprisonment, it is highly likely that he will be imprisoned again - probably twice - after his release, which is due on 6 September 2001.Ariel Levin, 18, issued a statement before he went to the military induction base on Sunday.

War Resisters' International learned today that the Israelian CO Jonathan Moss, 25, a pacifist, was called up to do reserves service in the Occupied Territories on 6 August. He presented himself at the site, but refused to be officially mobilised. It was only three days later, on 9 August 2001, that he was sentenced by a senior officer in his unit to 30 days of imprisonment, which is longer than usual in such cases.This is the first time Jonathan Moss is imprisoned. He is now held in Military Prison No. 4, and is due to be released on 5 or 6 September 2001.

War Resisters' International was informed by New Profile that the Israelian CO Ariel Levin, 18, has been ordered to report at the military central induction base for conscription this Sunday (12 August). He intends to refuse conscription and is therefore almost certainly likely to be imprisoned on that date.In a statement made recently to explain the motives of his objection, Ariel Levin wrote:

CO Hilmi Naffaa of Beit Jann, who had been released from his third term of imprisonment last Friday, and ordered to report to the IMF induction base on Tuesday, was on that day again incarcerated. After already having served terms of 28, 35 and 21 days in prison, Hilmi has been sentenced to 14 more days incarceration.

CO Ishai Sagi, Lieutenant in the Reserves, was sent to military prison on July 29th for refusing to serve in the occupied territories. He was sentenced to 26 days in military prison.

With Lieutenant Ishai Sagi's recent refusal, the number of IDF soldiers who have refused to serve in the Territories since the outbreak of the El Aqsa Intefada jumped to 17. 11 of the objectors are reserve-duty soldiers; 6 are regular enlistees. Besides Lieutenant Sagi, who was sentenced to 26 days in military prison, an additional two soldiers are likewise serving time due to their refusal.

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