Prisoners for Peace Day 2015

Write to peace activists in prison - find the details you need here.

Each year on 1st December War Resisters' International and its members mark Prisoners for Peace Day, when we publicise the names and stories of those imprisoned for actions for peace. Many are conscientious objectors, in gaol for refusing to join the military. Others have taken nonviolent actions to disrupt preparation for war. This day is a chance for you to demonstrate your support for them.

WRI has a permanent Prisoners for Peace list, and we make a special effort to update for Prisoners for Peace Day on December 1st.

We invite you to put aside some time on December 1st, or a day close to it, to send cards that express your solidarity. You can find the names and address here:

Many groups organise events around Prisoners for Peace Day, such as vigils, street stalls and write-ins. We will list them on this page. Write to if you are planning an event for Prisoners for Peace Day and we will advertise it here.

Please use #PfP15 to spread the word about the day on social media.

For more information visit:

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