Otto Absetz
Start of detention
End of detention
Otto Absetz was sentenced to ”home detention” for 173 days already in March 2014. He was charged for "refusal of civilian service" (siviilipalveluksesta kieltäytyminen) and sentenced by Eastern Uusimaa district court (Itä-Uudenmaan käräjäoikeus).
He started to serve his sentence in August 2014. However, the implementation of the sentence was interrupted by the prison authorities in November 2014 because he had ”breached the conditions of home detention”.
A new trial was held and Otto was sentenced to serve the undone part of the sentence (99 days) in prison, which he began on 30th August 2016.
Write to Otta at Ojoisten osasto Tampereentie 29 13600 Hämeenlinna Finland.
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