EGYPT: Update on imprisoned conscientious objector Maikel Nabil Sanad


Update to co-alert from 30 March 2011 and from 29 March 2011.

War Resisters' International has been informed that the trial against pacifist and conscientious objector Maikel Nabil Sanad has been adjourned to Sunday, 3 April. The prosecution charges him with "insulting the military institution" and "disturbing public security" through the publication of his text about the role of the Egyptian military during and after the revolution on his blog (in English see at Maikel Nabil Sanad denies all charges.

It has to be pointed out that Maikel Nabil Sanad, who is a civilian, is being tried in a military court, which normally does not have any jurisdiction over civilians.

Given the urgency, War Resisters' International calls for urgent protest faxes to embassies of Egypt abroad. A list of embassies is available at

In addition, protest faxes should be sent to:

Director of Military Judiciary
Major-General Ahmed Abd Allah
Military Judicial Department
Cairo, Egypt
Fax: +202 2 402 4468 / +202 2 411 3452 (ask for fax)

Military General Attorney
Major-General Medhat Radwan
Military Judicial Department
Cairo, Egypt
+202 2 412 0980 (ask for fax)

Minister of Defence
His Excellency Muhammad Tantawi
Ministry of Defence
Cairo, Egypt ;
A protest email can be sent at

A sample protest fax, that can be adapted for use, can be downloaded from:
- Microsoft Word:
- OpenDocument:
- PDF:

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