Peace in North-East Asia


Day 1 (Sunday, 26 June): Peace in North East Asia (Opening Panel)

The opening panel will introduce the different security threats and peace related issues of the region to the international and regional audience and also introduce concept of non-violent resistance, which WRI has pursued so far, and will contribute to peace movement in this region. For this panel, we aim to get speakers from South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China and WRI members. The panel will set the framework for the discussion on the following days.

등록 Registration of participants

14:30 ~15:00
개회식 opening ceremony
- Facilitator: Yongeun Oh (World Without War)
개회사 opening address
- War Resisters' International: Joanne Sheehan, WRI Chair
  • 환영사 welcoming address
    -CNPK: Junglok Oh, CO activist
15:00 ~16:30

첫째 시간: 안전과 평화를 위협하는 쟁점들 (각국의 사례발표)
Session 1:The Issues Threatening Security and Peace (cases of each country)

- Facilitator: Honggu Han (Korea, Cochairman of KSCO)
  • 한국(북한포함) Korea (including North Korea):
    - Min Choi (Korea, activist of CNPK)
  • 일본Japan:
    - Kaori (Japan, woman activist from Okinawa)
  • 대만Taiwan:
  • 중국China:
    - James Reilly (AFSC representative North-East Asia)
    질의응답questions and answers
16:30 ~17:00휴식 Coffee break
17:00 ~18:30

둘째 시간: 비폭력과 안보에 대한 소개
Session 2: Examples of Nonviolence

- Facilitator:
  • 군사주의에 대한 비폭력적 저항 Nonviolent Resistance against Militarism
    Andreas Speck (UK, WRI)
  • 페미니즘에 기반 한 비폭력과 안보 Nonviolence and Security on Feminism (Focusing on International women’s movement)
    Ellen Elster (Norway, WRI Executive, WRI Women's Working Group)
  • 질의응답questions and answers
19:00 ~저녁식사 Dinner time

Day 2: Security Issues

The concept of “national security” is a common justification for disproportionate military forces in Korea and Taiwan, but also serves as justification for North Korea's WMD programme. On this day, the seminar will look at issues of (national) security, and will develop a vision of security with non-military means, based on the experience and visions of the participants.

8:00 ~ 9:30아 침식사 Breakfast
9:30 - 11:00

첫째 시간: 국가안보에 대한 정당화와 그 영향
Session 1: National Security

- Facilitator: Francis Daehoon Lee (Korea, Deputy Secretary of Peace and Disarmament Centre of PSPD)
  • 국가안보 정당화의 방법과 과정
    How Is “National Security” Constructed and Justified?
    - Kai-Uwe Dosch (Germany, Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner/innen / German Peace Society - United War Resisters)
  • 국가안보가 미친 영향들
    What are the effects of “National Security” ? (Militarized Society, Economical Problem and so on)
    this looks at “impact on society”
  • 젠더 관점에서 본 국가안보
    National Security from gender perspective on the regional level (Effects of “national security”/militarism on women and men, reinforcing patriarchal structures, etc...)
    -Elli Kim (Korea, member of the policy planning committee of WMP)
11:00 ~11:30휴 식 Coffee break
11:30 ~13:00

Session 2: Workshops on different aspects

Comment: Some of these workshops have been taken from what has previously been
North Korean Nuclear Issues
- Facilitator: Jungyu Lee
(Korea, activist of CNPK)
US Bases / US hegemony in the region
- Facilitator: Kaori (Japan, woman activist from Okinawa)
Withdrawal of Troops from Iraq
- Facilitator: Jieun Lee (Korea, activist of CGA)
or Sanglyol Son (Korea, activist of SPR)
  • Hegemonial demands of China and Japan in the region

13:00 ~ 15:00점 심식사 Lunch time
15:00 ~ 16:30

Session 3: Small groups: Vision exercise on “What is security from a peace perspective”?

- Facilitator:
(also allow for ♀♀-only groups among the small groups)
The purpose of this session is to develop a vision of what would make a secure world/region from the perspective of the participants. What is our “vision” of a secure life? What do we need to feel safe? Good explanation and handouts will be needed.
16:30 ~ 17:00휴 식 Coffee break
17:00 ~ 18:30

Session 4: Define Security from a Peace Perspective

- Facilitator:
Facilitation: a good trainer would be useful -> draw from the vision developed by the small groups in session 3, identify common elements and develop together a definition of security from a peace perspective.
19:00 ~ ...저 녁식사 Dinner time

Day 3: Nonviolent resistance and nonviolent alternatives

Day 3 takes more time to develop themes previously dealt with on day 2 in the afternoon, and some of those on day 4 in the morning. Building on the last session of the previous day, the concept of Nonviolent Social Defence as a non-military alternative will be introduced. The day also includes a 2-session long Nonviolence Training as a workshop, and will lead to some examples of nonviolent struggle which will be used to draw out crucial elements of nonviolent campaigns.

8:00 ~ 9:30아 침식사 Breakfast
9:30 ~ 11:00

첫째 시간: 비군사적 대안으로서의 비폭력 사회적 방어
Session 1: Nonviolent Social Defence as a non-military alternative

- Brian Martin (Australia, Associate Professor Science, Technology and Society, University of Wollongong)

The idea of this session is to have about 30 minutes presentation, then to have buzz groups for about 30 minutes, which will discuss the relevance of such a concept for their region/country, and which will identify questions/concerns/criticism.
This will then be brought back to the plenary for debate.
11:00 ~11:30휴 식 Coffee break
11:30 ~13:00

둘째 시간: 다양한 부문들에 관한 워크샵
Session 2: Workshops on different aspects

Workshops: Nonviolent Movements: Examples and Strategies Practical Training of Nonviolent Action
-Andreas Speck (UK, WRI)
-Vivien Sharples (USA, War Resisters League, Nonviolence Trainer)
-Joanne Sheehan (WRI Chair)
-Howard Clark (UK/Spain, Research Fellow Centre for Forgiveness and Reconciliation, Coventry University)
  • Conscientious Objection

  • - Facilitator: It would be good to have joint facilitation: one from Korea, one from WRI (Sergeiy Sandler, New Profile, Israel)
  • The US bases movement in the region and beyond

  • - Facilitator:
    one person from WRI (on “beyond” part)
  • Other movement examples
    (Peter D Jones said that he might be able to get Michael Mazgaonkar from India over -- would be a good chance to have a workshop on the present day Gandhian movement)
13:00 ~ 15:00점 심식사 Lunch time
15:00 ~ 16:30Workshops: Nonviolent organising Nonviolence Training continued...
Working in groups
(mixed, ♀♀-only)
- Facilitator:
Hilal Demir
Antimilitarist feminist, Nonviolence Trainer)
  • Coalition building
  • International co-operation and/or regional networks
16:30 ~ 17:00휴 식 Coffee break
17:00 ~ 18:30

Session 4: Case studies of Nonviolent campaigns

- Facilitator:
It would be good to have two case studies, not more. The case studies should be presented so that the main strategy elements can be drawn out -- this is the purpose of this session.
It would be good to have one case study of a ♀♀-only or ♀♀-led campaign.
It would be good to have one case study more on the constructive programme side of nonviolence -- building our nonviolent alternatives
19:00 ~ ...저 녁식사 Dinner time

Day 4 (Wednesday, 29 June): A Peace Movement Strategy for the future

The last day will build on the three previous day, to develop a strategy for the peace movement for the future. It is important that this again will be done in a participatory way.

8:00 ~ 9:30아 침식사 Breakfast
9:30 ~ 11:00

첫째 시간: 아시아 평화운동의 성과와 도전
Session 1: Asian Peace Movement: Achievements and Challenges

- Facilitator: Yongwook Jung (Korea, activist of the standing committee of SPR)
  • 미군기지 반대 운동
    Fight against US bases/US hegemony in the region
    - Kaori (Japan, woman activist from Okinawa)
  • 대량살상무기/무기 관련 운동
    WMD/nuclear issues (not only North Korea; China has nuclear weapons, and US WMDs are present in the region too) -> nuclear free zone movement
    - Keiko Nakamura (Japan, activist of Peace Depot)
  • 양심적 거부 운동
    Conscientious objection (mainly Korea)
    - Jungmin Choi (Korea, joint representative of the executive committee)
  • 여성주의 운동 Feminism
    It is important that the speakers focus on the challenges, and do not just present a success story or events. All speakers should speak for 10-15 minutes, and the debate should draw up a list of challenges faced by the movements.
    The purpose is also to introduce the international participants to the peace movement activities in the region.
11:00 ~11:30휴 식 Coffee break
11:30 ~13:00

둘째 시간: 어떻게 도전에 대처할 것인가에 관한 워크샵
Session 2: Workshops on “How to address the challenges”?

  • Challenge 1
  • - Facilitator:
Challenge 2 - Facilitator: Challenge 3 - Facilitator:
  • Role of people /movements from outside the region

  • - Facilitator:

13:00 ~ 15:00점 심식사 Lunch time
15:00 ~ 16:30

Session 3: Presentation of workshop results, and development of ideas for concrete activities in the future

- Facilitator:
This session will require good facilitation, and might involve buzz groups, or whatever the facilitator thinks is useful for a participatory process.
16:30 ~ 17:00휴 식 Coffee break
17:00 ~ 18:30

넷째 시간: 종합 평가
Session 4: Evaluation

- Facilitator:
19:00 ~ ....저 녁식사 Dinner time
Programmes & Projects

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