WRI's eCouncil
Every year, WRI holds a council meeting – sometimes this is in person, but this year will be held online over ten days of internet forums, conference calls and webinars. As well as more formal decision-making related to WRI, it is an opportunity to discuss politics, campaigns, and issues that are important to us.
Find out more about WRI's Council here.
Taking part in the eCouncil
Council members, members of WRI affiliates and people interested in the work can take part in the eCouncil - either as a full participant or as an observer.
We are using Loomio, an online decision-making online tool, for the eCouncil. Please email info@wri-irg.org for more information, if you have not already received details.
We will have four open webinars, which will be available afterwards as recordings. All timings are in Coordinated Universal Time. Look that up here.
International responses to Syria
Saturday 15th October, 12:30 UTC
A webinar and forum discussion on how the antimilitarist movement has responded to the conflict in Syria, and how we respond in the future.
Leila Nachawati: I´m a Spanish-Syrian activist based in Madrid. I teach Communications at Carlos III University, where I am currently starting my PhD. I write about human rights with a special focus on the Middle East and North Africa. Obsessed with freedom of speech.
Dr. Christine Schweitzer is the Chair of War Resisters' International. She is one of the co-founders of the “Institute for Peace Work and Nonviolent Conflict Transformation (IFGK, Germany) where she also works as a researcher; she is part-time co-coordinator at the German organisation “Federation for Social Defence” (BSV); and editor of the bi-monthly magazine “Peace Forum”.
Register here: https://www.anymeeting.com/AccountManager/RegEv.aspx?PIID=EC57D886894E3B&rslt=0c23dfe4-259d-4899-9e87-44a11adad819
Stopping the cycle of violence in Turkey
Monday 17th October, 16.00 UTC
In this webinar War Resisters’ International’s Turkey Working Group will present on WRI’s ongoing campaign Stop the Cycle of Violence in Turkey. In Spring 2016 War Resisters' International launched a new campaign focusing on the escalating cycle of violence in Turkey. The campaign, initiated in response to demands from WRI activists in Turkey, so far included a delegation visit to Southeast Turkey, an advocacy trip by human rights defenders from Turkey to Europe, a number of publications on the situation and a petition addressing the EU. Join us in this webinar to discuss our future plans and strategies to stop the cycle of violence in Turkey.
Register here: https://www.anymeeting.com/AccountManager/RegEv.aspx?PIID=EC57D88980493F&rslt=f9b73968-c0f3-4029-9ad0-ff65f87deec5
Constructive programmes: 'New worlds in old shells'
Wednesday 19th October, 12:30 UTC
The Nonviolence Programme has begun work on a new publication, called “New Worlds in Old Shells”. It will look at all the ways that groups and communities are trying to create the world they want to live in, here and now.
The Loomio thread will be preceded by a webinar. Stellan Vinthagen will explain some of the theory behind our work, and Joanne Sheehan will explain how community land trusts in the USA are a good example.
Register here: https://www.anymeeting.com/AccountManager/RegEv.aspx?PIID=EC57D886894B3F
Countering the militarisation of youth: examples of resistance
Friday 21st October, 16.00 UTC
Young peoples' experiences of the military, and exposure to militarist values, differ around the world. In this webinar, we will gather examples from two countries, Israel and Germany, and discuss with activists about their campaigns and strategies to counter youth militarisation. Join us in this webinar to hear from activists based in Germany and Israel, and discuss with them about their campaigns. Please bring examples of militarisation and resistance from your own contexts.
Register here: https://www.anymeeting.com/AccountManager/RegEv.aspx?PIID=EC57D889804A3C&rslt=f6e38fd5-8206-4752-b129-f2d5f709b2d3
Conference call on police militarisation
There will also be a Skype meeting on the topic of police militarisation around the world. If you would like to take part in this, please fill in the Doodle here, and we will find a time that suits as many people as possible: http://doodle.com/poll/anvnugd4ar7pr3cq
Stay up to date with our international antimilitarist activism.