War Starts Here – Let's stop it here
Marking, Blockading, Disrupting: European call for action against militarisation, war, and war infrastructure
Today we face the normalisation of war as an everyday political tool. But war dressed up as a democratic and humanitarian tool has not lost its deadly and destructive impact on people, societies, and livelihoods. For our governments, NATO, or the EU to fight their wars - which are fought in our name - our societies and our minds have to be conditioned for war and its silent acceptance.
We call on everyone to say no: All of us living in Europe are affected by war. Some of us by direct violence within the European countries and at the borders of Fortress Europe; all of us by being made silent accomplices to the atrocities at home and the fullscale wars far away. Both wars – those fought here and those fought far away - start here: they are being trained, supplied, recruited for, and propagated in our everyday lives. Weapons are being produced, infrastructure is militarised, the media and the education system normalise war and promote military values, ... Civil society serves the war effort through civil military cooperation: military tasks are increasingly outsourced to private companies while the Armed Forces are more often deployed at home.
But: If war starts here, we can stop it here. We call on everyone everywhere to take action by
Marking, Blockading, Disrupting war and war infrastructure.
[title]News on "War starts here"[/title]
We have had a kind offer from an individual donor, who will match up to £5,000 of donations from others - so by supporting War Resisters' International today your donation is worth double!