Burma Kontaktadressen

AUSTRALIEN Australia Burma Council, PO box 2024, Queanbeyan NSW 2620 (tel +61 6 297 7734; email azappia@spirit.com.au).

DEUTSCHLAND Burma Project Berlin, U Khin Maung Yin, Dorothee Wenner, Siberhammer 78, 13503 Berlin.

FRANKREICH Association France-Birmanie, Stefan and Judith Collignon, 21, Bvd Henri 1V, Paris 75004.

GROß-BRITANIEN UK Burma Action Group, Collins Studios, 1 Collins Yard, London N1 2XU (tel +44 171 359 7679; fax +44 171 354 3987; email bagp@gn.apc.org).

KANADA Canadian Friends of Burma, 145 Spruce Street, Suite 206, Ottawa, Ontario KIR 6PI (tel 1 613 237 8056; fax +1 613 563 0017; email cfob@web.apc.org).

NEUSEELAND New Zealand Burma Support Group, 14 Waitati Place, Mt Albert, Auckland (tel +64 9 828 4855).

NIEDERLANDE Burma Centrum Netherlands, Irene Bloemink, Paulus Potterstaat 20, 1071 DA Amsterdam.

NORWEGEN Burma Support Group, c/o Tormod Lien, Postboks 6906, St Olav's Plass, N-0130, Oslo.

SCHWEDEN Sweden Democratic Burma Friendship Association, Bo Olsson, PO Pox 4034, S-18104, Lidingu.

SCHWEIZ Burma Peace Foundation, David Arnott, 85 Rue de Montbrilliant, 1202, Geneva.

TCHECHISCHE REPUBLIK Burma Project, U Zaw Win, Harusova1316, 14900Praha4

THAILAND Burma Issues, PO Box 1076, Silom Post Office, Bangkok 10504 (email durham@mozart.inet.co.th).

WWW fürFree Burma Coalition: http://danenet.wicip.org/fbc/freeburma.html oder http://sunsite.unc.edu/freeburma/freeburma.html


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