

Opening the Doors to Peace is a memorial to Myrtle Solomon, chairperson of WRI from 1975 to 1985. It brings together her major writings into each of which she succeeded in injecting a nugget of significance, of originality, of creative intelligence. Her interviews for oral history give her a voice and reveal something of her personality even to those who did not know her. The tributes at her death help explain why this book was seen as a suitable commemoration to a woman who engaged all her formidable energy in the cause of peace. Available from the WRI office in London for £3 plus surface mail postage (payable via giro or WRI financial agent in your country).

Nonviolent Struggle and Social Defence, edited by Shelley Anderson and Janet Larmore, includes talks and papers by participants to the Sogial defence conference in Bradford, England in 1990. Contributors include Petra Kelly, Gene Sharp, Vanessa Griffen, Marko Hren and Trini Leung, plus others from Chile, the Philippines, Guatemala, Palestine and South Africa, discussing peop1e’s power and non-military security policies. The second half of the book is a practical guide to questions most frequently asked about social defence, with effective arguments and answers, written by Brian Martin. Available from WRI for £5 plus surface mail postage.

Out in the World: International Lesbian Organizing is a 52-page booklet by WRI Women’s Newsletter editor Shelley Anderson. The booklet contains an introduction to lesbian life in Africa, Asia, Europe (East and West), Latin America, the Middle East and in the Pacific. The work—and addresses—of lesbian groups in over 40 countries is covered, and there is a resource section with more information on international groups, publications and funding sources.

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