Featured affiliate: The Organisation for Nonviolence and Development (South Sudan)

Featured affiliated: the Organisation for Nonviolence and Development (South Sudan)
Featured affiliated: the Organisation for Nonviolence and Development (South Sudan)

Each month, we will feature a different WRI affiliate. This month it's ONAD, the Organisation for Nonviolence and Development, from South Sudan!

ONAD works for a nonviolent, peaceful and democratic society through training and advocacy in; nonviolence and peacebuilding, governance & civic education, community empowerment & gender and internal organizational development.

ONAD logo

ONAD is acronym for Organisation for Nonviolence and Development (formerly known as SONAD was founded in 1994 in Khartoum at the peak of civil war. ONAD is founded on the belief and conviction that just, peaceful and democratic societies can be achieved by people who are conscious and aware of their civil and political rights.  ONAD is an organization dedicated to the cause of nonviolence. To ONAD, this means commitment to justice without the use of force that destroys or causes injury to enemy or his/her properties. We believe a movement built on nonviolence should critically analyze injustice and work to liberate both the oppressed and the oppressor.

Connect with ONAD: Website | Facebook | Twitter


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