Upcoming events: Shut DESO Protest and Petition Hand-in // Barricade the War Machine in Pittsburgh // Demonstration every Wednesday against EDO // WRI Seminar and Council 2007 in Israel


Shut DESO Protest and Petition Hand-in

CAAT, together with the Fellowship of Reconciliation, have collected thousands of Shut DESO petition signatures. They will be handing these petitions to the Treasury on Wednesday 7th March, the day on which DESO holds its annual conference.

7th March - 11 AM outside Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre. London SW1P 3EE, UK

For more information:


Barricade the War Machine in Pittsburgh

Friday, March 2 (M2), will be a day of civil disobedience and direct action against the war machine in Pittsburgh. The main action will be an attempt to barricade the National Robotics Engineering Center (NREC), a branch of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) that develops robotic vehicles and weapons delivery systems for the U.S. Army and Marines.

7:00am: Gather in Friendship Park (Friendship Ave and Mathilda St in Bloomfield) Pittsburgh, USA.

For more information:


Demonstration every Wednesday against EDO

Noise demonstration at EDO MBM, Home Farm Road, Brighton, UK.

Noise demonstration will be every Wednesday between 4 - 6 pm.

For more information:


WRI Seminar and Council 2007 in Israel

The annual WRI seminar and Council meeting will take place in Israel in 2007, probably in August. The theme of the seminar will be on militarism and gender. Please contact the WRI Office if you are interested in participating, and want to be kept informed.

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