Conscientious objector Soufiane Ababou

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Dear President Abdelaziz Bouteflika,

I am writing to you about Algerian conscientious objector Soufiane Ababou (N° de matricule militaire: 2005522100984), who has not returned home from the military tribunal on 30 January 2011, and is feared being recruited against his will.

As a pacifist, Soufiane Ababou refuses military service, making use of his human right under article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). As a State Party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Algeria is under an obligation to provide for conscientious objection to military service as a legitimate exercise of the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. Not to provide for the right to conscientious objection would be a violation of article 18 of the Covenant.

In addition, I fear for the health and safety of Soufiane Ababou. He suffers from kidney failure, and needs medication, which might not be available to him in military arrest.

I therefore urge you to respect human rights, and to immediately release Soufiane Ababou.