Sentencing of total objector Jan Schenck

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Use this form to send the letter below to the relevant authority (Renate Schmidt, Minister for Family, the Elderly, Women and Youth, Germany). You can add your own notes in a separate box after the standard text, if you wish. You must include a name, address, and email address; a copy will be sent to you with a cc to the WRI office (so we have a record of how many email letters have been sent out for this particular case).

Dear Renate Schmidt

I am concerned about the recent sentencing of total objector Jan Schenck. Jan Schenck was called up for substitute service in March 2004. He sees substitute service as an alternative war service, and therefore has a conscientious objection to substitute service. For this reason, he did not follow the call up for substitute service.

Although Germany recognises the right to conscientious objection, the treatment of total objectors is reason for concern. Freedom of conscience, as enshrined in Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, cannot be limited by enforcing a substitute service which can be seen as being part of a civilian defence system.

I therefore urge you to respect human rights, and to stop proceeding against total objectors.