Armenian conscientious objector Hambartsum Odabashyan

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Dear Mr Vartan Oskanian, Minister of Foreign Affairs
I am deeply troubled about the imprisonment of conscientious objector Hambartsum Odabashyan, whose sentence was doubled to three years labour camp by the court of appeal on 1 April 2003. Hambartsum Odabashyan, and several other conscientious objectors in Armenia, are send to prison because they refuse to bear arms. Their imprisonment is a violation of their human right to conscientious objection, derived from article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.Armenia pledged to recognise the right to conscientious objection when it joined the Council of Europe. However, no legislation was passed yet, while conscientious objectors still end up in prison. This is scandalous, and will be brought to the attention of the Council of Europe.I therefore call on you, Mr Vartan Oskanian, to act immediately in accordance with international human rights standards, and to finally recognise the right to conscientious objection. In the meantime, all imprisoned conscientious objectors should be released, and proceedings should be put on hold for all those who declare their conscientious objection, until a law on conscientious objection was passed.